Mitsubishi Electric
Power Products

Downtime Disaster Mock
Horror Movie Videos

The Assignment

Headquartered in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. (MEPPI) serves the North American power systems, rail transportation, and large visual display markets with electrical and electronic products, systems and services.

MEPPI’s Critical Power Solutions Division (CPSD) was looking for a different approach to promote their critical power products than the usual “product video”. Specifically, their Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems.

They wanted to connect with a very specific target market - executives and facility management of mid-sized to large data centers. Data centers that can NEVER go offline for any reason. The most common way a data center goes down is from power outage.

The Solution

Hyperion Studios worked with Mitsubishi’s Critical Power Solutions marketing team to develop a series of downtime disaster mock horror movie shorts.

The storyline follows Jim Phillips, a facility manager who was responsible for purchasing the wrong uninterruptible power supply system for the data center that he manages.

Facility downtime, is the monster in this horror story. When a data center, manufacturing facility, hospital or any mission-critical business is without power, it can lead to catastrophic outcomes. Even when the power is out for a brief period, without a UPS to bridge the power gap, a data center may have issues restarting a portion of the servers in their facility - often costing their customers tens of thousands of dollars per minute.

The facility manager’s decision to go with a UPS other than one manufactured by Mitsubishi, leads to a downward-spiral nightmare following a lighting strike that created a widespread power outage.

To support the online campaign, we shot three horror-shorts, each of which followed a different character in the downtime disaster story. We also created a “Movie Trailer” and 30 and 15 second teaser spots to drive traffic back to website -

Facility Manager Downtime Disaster Mock Horror Movie Short

Movie Trailer for Downtime Disaster Mock Horror Movie

Account Manager Downtime Disaster Mock Horror Movie Short


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