Tennessee 9-1-1 Emergency
Call Technology Video
9-1-1 Emergency
Call Technology Video
The Assignment
The State of Tennessee Department of Commerce wanted to develop a video that would explain the many complex technologies that are deployed when someone calls 9-1-1 to report an emergency. Mission Critical Partners, a Hyperion Studios client, a public-safety consulting and technology integration partner for the State of Tennessee, brought us in on the project.
The Solution
Instead of producing a typical technology step-through type of video, we wanted to do something a little different.
Our recommendation was to utlize 2D animation to explain each of the critical 9-1-1 emergency call technologies to make the information more palatable for State employees, the media and citizens to better understand how these technologies integrate and connect those in need of emergency response resources throughout the State.
We suggested developing animated characters with personalities that represented the functions performed by each communication technology.
We wrote a script, developed a storyboard, and illustrated the technology characters that were placed in unique settings throughout the video.
The final video was edited to included both English and Spanish closed and open captions.
Tennessee Department of Commerce 9-1-1 Emergency Call Technology Video